Wednesday, February 14

when adresses gone...

U know what sucks?
when loosinf magically ur all web adresses u have saved in mozzilla browser. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
and journal of ur visited webs are also empty. !!!could it happen coz i restart my pc with button on it, not with software? even all programs was shut down. or its mizzila problem , its too slow to turn off when i click with inted to do it. antway RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

its maybe worrser than loose some telephone numbers

Tuesday, February 13

Pilobolus dance

Oh my goosh what i found tonight. its awesome, its breathtaking. Human body abilities are unbelievable. how they dance. my jaw is low down while watching this

Friday, February 9

ir dar vienas francuuuziskas filmas, ir tam kad neiisisvaigciau per daug su jais, kad dievinu prancuzu kina sitas buvo nelabai......, rugstokas kokis tai
ir dar buvo istorijos....daug vertingiau uz kokius briedus and high value versus ar panele. Dar buvo labai skanute arbata ir grazi/gera nuotaika laukiant paskaitos ( toj kavinukei kur labai neseniai pamegau, nu fainule! negaliu!), kuri veliau pasirode net labai vertas demesio, rodos jau zinom ka veiksiu penktadieniais nuo 13.00 iki 15.00 (oficialiai isdidziai iki 16.00). Ir tenai jo kvapas...jaudina, man i kakla, atodusis , jo.
o as net vardo nezinau, ir nezinau ar tikrai jam patinku. o dar tie lakstymai tris kartus tikrint rezultatu. del kuriu veliau nuosirdziai graudziai braukiau asara. jau kazkelinta si menesi, o as juk net ne verksne. labai graziai aisku galima kalte suverst pilnaciai :) nekenciu dvejoniu. gal tas o gal tas, galiausiai po simto su puse asaros pradeta dainuot "oh happy day" ir pamirsa kas rupejo
liko sunkiausia -pasakyt tevams. dokumentu tvarkymas ir iskazkur gavimas pinigu nera toks baisus kaip tas anas punktas
stiprybes man.
fergie - "big gilrs dont cry"
sister act II - "oh happy day" (o as net nekrikscione)

Wednesday, February 7


I feeling fuckin lonely today

Righteous brothers - "Unchai melody" on repeat

Sunday, February 4

Amelie from Monmart theme

Today going home from another fabulous french movie ("Self made hero") somehow in ears played Amelia from Monmart music and mood, bit miracle , i dont even rememeber exactly artist or songs, and pity all i had at home most similar is Yann Tiersen. who in my poor oppinion is simply genious. and Amelie is something indefinable


That what i have is Invaluable
... just a though while walking trough not fresh but still slluring snow, unders the night sky, which gather stars in it... and its so calm inside....coz u udnerstand, that all u had tonight was most fabulous what u could have and everything so wonderfull even we had to sit on stairs in french film, that wine in this movies week opening was not our favourite flavour (and we stood not far toilets while drinking it :)) ) .. and as always - pica jazz....didn't need more alcohol that we would feel more comfortable than ever, didn't disturb the staring teenager boys, even not so good tasty hot chocolade (and chilled its feeee taste at all) .... and all u conscious when u separating for going to each tiny flats is, that its being without who u cant imagine ur casual life, chating about guys or tryings to "talk" intelectual or simply gigle like u was in 6th grade.
And french movies are totally goooooood now i know what i will be busy on till it leave our city :)
Recommend „Inside Paris“ (Dans Paris) Directed by Christophe Honoré

Tai ka aš turiu Neįkainojama ši mintis einant jau nebebaltu bet vis dar kerinciu sniegu, po nakties dangumi, kuriame zvaigzdes... ir taip supranti kad tai buvo nuostabiausia ką žmogus gali tureti ir viskas be priekaištu, negi tai kad, nuostabiam prancūzų kine turėjom sedėti ant laiptuku, tai kad vynas nebuvo mano megstamiausias ( o stovejome netoli tuoletų gerdamos jį :)) ) kaip visada pica jazz... nereikejo dar alkoholio kad ten jaustumemes geriau nei visada, netrukde nei spoksantys vis dar mažvaikiai, nei ne pats skaniausias karštas šokoladas (o atšalęs jis buvo visai feee).. tik supranti atsisveikinant, kad tai žmogelis be kurio neįsivaizduoji kasdienio gyvenimo, berniukų aptarimo, bandymų intelektualiai "pasišnekėti" ar šeštokių lygio krizenimų
O prancūzų kinas iš vis yra gėėėris... dabar jau žinom kuo būsiu užimta iki 11dienos :)
Rekomenduoju "Paryžiuje"

Saturday, February 3

how come?

How come that such temperamental girl, with energy and just loud voice ( lucky my neighbourhood haven't complained yet) and such impulsive one which like just strong feelings, opinions, personalities. In one way u can say i very rare know what word "soft" means. all this reflect also on music, i always liked strong voices and energetic, powerful, kinda angry songs. And now i cant turn off Corine Bailey Rae - Like A Star
I'm not in love. i wish i would. But this song i listen entranced. Somehow melody and soft (yeah, u imagine soft!) voice, at some places even whispering make me feel calm. i enjoy listening it on repeat.
Does angry Ieva become a normal sweet person? Word sweet had always raised me just bad associations.

Friday, February 2

sunny/french lesson

Sunny. Finally sunny... no not our weather become so bright, sunny in my heart or head. Was like on wings after french lecture. finally i do learn it profesionally. Good that not so few things already knew, thats show it wasnt wasting of time when was learning on my own. One minute between almost singing fresh learnt words and spelling our names in french felt like in a movie,- thats what i want, study, learn french, improve in all possible ways. And so fine, so still and at the same time so silently gorgeous looked oakery in snow sheet. When last time i was in it wished and remembered how nice it looked all snowed. here we go. It happens, so had pleasure to go home trough it, even when its soooo cold with big big smile on my face and freezed mascara on eyelashes :)) love it. (oakery i mean.) as always
Is life smiling to me again or its so sunny in these days?
here we go some tracks today are on my mind, some of them pure pop, but i dont care:
Christophe Willem - Sunny in fact songs clip is awfull
Anggun - Summer In Paris
Mika - relax (take it easy)
Mika - Grace Kelly
Future Prophecies - September