That what i have is Invaluable
... just a though while walking trough not fresh but still slluring snow, unders the night sky, which gather stars in it... and its so calm inside....coz u udnerstand, that all u had tonight was most fabulous what u could have and everything so wonderfull even we had to sit on stairs in french film, that wine in this movies week opening was not our favourite flavour (and we stood not far toilets while drinking it :)) ) .. and as always - pica jazz....didn't need more alcohol that we would feel more comfortable than ever, didn't disturb the staring teenager boys, even not so good tasty hot chocolade (and chilled its feeee taste at all) .... and all u conscious when u separating for going to each tiny flats is, that its being without who u cant imagine ur casual life, chating about guys or tryings to "talk" intelectual or simply gigle like u was in 6th grade.
And french movies are totally goooooood now i know what i will be busy on till it leave our city :)
Recommend „Inside Paris“ (Dans Paris) Directed by Christophe Honoré
Tai ka aš turiu Neįkainojama ši mintis einant jau nebebaltu bet vis dar kerinciu sniegu, po nakties dangumi, kuriame zvaigzdes... ir taip supranti kad tai buvo nuostabiausia ką žmogus gali tureti ir viskas be priekaištu, negi tai kad, nuostabiam prancūzų kine turėjom sedėti ant laiptuku, tai kad vynas nebuvo mano megstamiausias ( o stovejome netoli tuoletų gerdamos jį :)) ) kaip visada pica jazz... nereikejo dar alkoholio kad ten jaustumemes geriau nei visada, netrukde nei spoksantys vis dar mažvaikiai, nei ne pats skaniausias karštas šokoladas (o atšalęs jis buvo visai feee).. tik supranti atsisveikinant, kad tai žmogelis be kurio neįsivaizduoji kasdienio gyvenimo, berniukų aptarimo, bandymų intelektualiai "pasišnekėti" ar šeštokių lygio krizenimų
O prancūzų kinas iš vis yra gėėėris... dabar jau žinom kuo būsiu užimta iki 11dienos :)
Rekomenduoju "Paryžiuje"
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