I have funny attitude to books. I very rarely enjoy fiction novel or actually any fictional literature. I do believe that the one should read book just so to learn something, get brand new knowledge or information. Travel guides - perfect, economic analysis books - great, a novel - isn't it a time waste? I'm not sure if this strong believe came from teen years of mine when literature lessons required a lot of reading. So did history lessons. Don't understand me wrong - I'm friends with books ( far from Bff though :)). But all that reading of neurotic, depression infused and all grey painted world depicted Lithuanian writer's books would bore me to death. Yes we had to read some of world classics as well, but not a lot of them were interesting for a teenager. So I would do aaaaaall that reading and only very few books that I would found interesting. It was different with history, mostly because I'm madly interested in subject. So loads of reading would just realize or explain why, it would open box of secrets . I would not mind dig more to find out more. Therefore I would read to learn. Now - with literature I probably read to realize what author wanted to say a.k.a 'learn about life'. Only life in literature books were so much different from life of mine or anybody's around to tell the truth. Also so many authors so many different values and exposures to life. With the time I learnt that life is easier to learn while experiencing it. (tadah!). Besides possibility that the one will get a book with some ( or any actually) depth in it, something that would make u seriously think is quite low these days. Yes sex and city or eat pray love are
So there - that's my excuse to myself why I haven't read as many books as wish or intelligent young person should! Haha on the other hand I just realised I do not any other form of book than paper.And by just I mean two audio-books and one 200page pdf file download later.
Maybe I'm just pointing out notice that book reading is dying as a way of entertainment.