Saturday, January 27

Voice Within

Somehow this old but really magnificent track appeared on winamp. Christina Aguilera – Voice Within. Now i can sincerely say i am long time not into pure pop music ( ok ok dont count Gwen Stefani and Nelly Furtado), but this track is something its pleasure to remember. I was teenager, complexed kid, and this song was one of those who helped me in moments when seems heart will explode in million pieces, or when wanted just swear all the world. i know now most of those problems looks ridiculous, but.... than i needed something could help, of course as thousands all my life was JUST music. Voice within was something helped to keep on living, it one of those tracks i was listening while crying under my sheet. I don't mean i had one fav song and thats all, but not many of them are so memorable or don't rise such emotions and sentiments now. One of most impressive from those times also is Guano Apes – Kiss the Down. I adored Guano Apes then. As well as many pop stars who was shown on Viva ( we hadn't Mtv) or played on radio. Than i thought for example Christina Aguilera really know what i feel, coz she so perfect sing it out in her album. echh....seems not so long ago my 16teen was...
Than i grown up and understood its commercial stuff and there are no two same emotions in a world.

We can discuss about it, but shoot me if its true that Christina's text writers know how feels average teenagers, shy ones or simply those u have very strained life. Anyways sometimes i believe pure pop is not so bad, coz even weak ( i am not talking about totally crap) lyrics can create interprets, associations,thoughts which are much deeper than text by itself for the same kid. pity there have to be one condition - kid should be one of those who thinking. nowadays teenagers are sink in commercial and shoddy music , much more than even few years ago. pity.
I dont say that few years ago it was sooo much diferent and all the music flow from the heart of singers. no, but in my poor oppinion situacion was better. and still i cant not wander when met adult who are soo sure timberlake creat real music, that his lyrics is about love. yrah its about for money....his love for money made by his commercial music.( And when i mention Timberlake here i mean all the fuckin music industry). I for example enjoy few tracks of his latest album coz of good beat and so on. but i know its not sincere feelings he claims.

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